Saturday, February 2, 2008

The latest word...

Here it is, the most recent article from the Scott Lommers Article Writing Company. Not only is it a classic article that you need to read, like, right now, but it also comes from within the one, single running magazine of the year that you MUST own! The FEB/MAR issue of RaceCenter Northwest Magazine contains the 2008 Event Guide, which lists every single race in the Northwest for 2008. Runs, Triathlons, Bike Rides and Races, and Relays. Not only that, but it has the Tri NW Rankings for 2008...somehow I was left off the list. Not sure what happened there. And last but not least, they have a picture of "Jami" from last year's Portland Marathon...and she's cute! So what more do you want? Get out there and spend your 2.95, or 3.95, or whatever it costs (I don't know, I usually wait for a month and get mine from the "free pile" at my local running store, but you, YOU, need to get out there and spend your money). This is a good one.

Oh yeah, then go out and compete in one of the 10 indoor triathlons that I list in my article on indoor triathlons. They're all good too.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I read on your wife's blog that you did NaNoWriMo! I am an instructor at Misque, a writer's retreat for authors with complete (or nearly complete!) novels, who want to take the next step and prepare it to be sent to agents and editors.

    If you think you might be interested, check out or email me at
