Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fifty-four degrees today, but...

in two days it's supposed to be up to the mid-80's! A 30 degree swing in two days, that's all good! As I may have noted before, I am a bit of a weenie when it comes to running in the cold, and even worse when it's raining. But there's nothing I love better than running on a nice, hot day. Bring it ON!

Get out there and work up a good bead this weekend.

May 24 / U.S. Half Marathon, 12k and 5k / Ketchum, ID

May 24 / Mazama 10k and 5k / Mazama, WA

May 24 / Spring Festival 10k, 5k and Duathlon / Moses Lake, WA

May 25 / Coeur d'Alene Marathon, Half-Marathon and 5k / Coeur d'Alene, ID

May 25 /Duck Bill Thrill Olympic Triathlon / Lewiston, ID

May 25 / Forest Park Trail Run 50k, 30k, 20k, and 10k / Portland, OR

May 25 / Onion Man Olympic Triathlon / Walla Walla, WA

May 26 / Heart of the Valley Sprint Triathlon / Corvallis, OR

May 26 / Ridgeline Ramble 20k and 10k / Eugene, OR

Thanks to Cal/Berkeley for the sun.

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