Sunday, June 14, 2009

Race T-Shirt Roundup!

Today, let's take a quick look at the Heart of the Valley Triathlon T.

Well, it's white. White is very good. White goes with everything. Every time I get a weird turquoise race shirt, I think "why didn't they just go with white?"

But, man, it's really white. White white. Super white. And the black lettering, with a tiny bit of red, doesn't help much. This is one boring shirt. No graphic or art whatsoever. And what's with the blotchy border around the word "heart"? I'm not sure what they were trying for, but it looks like my shirt was on the tail-end of the run and the silkscreen place was running out of ink.

The back: boring. I mean, holy crap, really boring.

Final tally - good workout shirt, but hardly something you're going to sport proudly around town.

Let's give it a C+.

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