Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sort-of Hill Work Prep for McDonald Forest 15k - Week Three

Still prepping for the McDonald Forest Trail 15k on October 27th. The plan is to do a good, hilly trail workout every weekend until we hit the race date.

Unfortunately, the huge storm that Washington and Oregon have been fighting through made that difficult for me today. Basically, there are no trails right now. There are barely roads. We've had a lot of rain over the past few days. A LOT of rain. Read all about it here.

So that meant I was on the roads today instead of the trails. And man, was it ugly. Driving rain, 20-30 mph winds, massive puddles every 10 feet. I was one drowned rat by the end of this one.

Still, the run was pretty good. Definitely not hilly enough.

I wanted to get it slightly over the 15k distance and I was fine there, measuring in at 10 miles exactly. My pace was even pretty good, after I got warmed up a bit in the first mile or so.

And miles three and four were during the only decent hill of the day, so I'm pretty happy that I kept a nice pace through that section.

We're supposed to dry out a bit by the middle of the week, which would be very nice so I can get back on the trails next weekend.

So you out there.

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