Oof...that was a tough one.
So it was speed work day on the Hansons Advanced Marathon Program. Since we had a strangely cold and wet day after a long stretch of nice weather, I hit the treadmill. Here's what it looked like:
-1.0m warmup
-8 x 600m at 7:00-7:15 pace
-8 x 400m at 9:50 pace, as recovery between the 600's
-1.0m cooldown
For a total of 7 miles. Seven hard, hard miles. I hit the pace on every one though. I even felt pretty good all the way through. But man, I am beat now. My legs are tired and my dogs are barking!
So it's an off day tomorrow and then the first Tempo day comes up on Thursday.
Oof...it's gonna be another tough one.
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