All right, that's week three in the books.
For our long run today, we had a 10 miler. That's up from the 8 milers of the first two weeks, so the Hansons definitely kicked it up a notch this week. The total mileage for this week was 44 miles, so we're starting to move up there.
Even though my goal marathon, the Skagit Flats Marathon, is, yep, flat, I ran my 10 miler today up some steep hills at Bald Hill. Why? Well, I've already signed up for this guy right here. Sort of wish I hadn't at this point, but hey, I'll run it easy and make the best of it.

So today's was tougher than it really should have been, and my pace showed it.

Well, it will be nice to have a day off from work tomorrow, but no day off from the Hansons plan! We're back tomorrow with another run! See you then.
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