Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hansons Marathon Method - Review in Progress - Day 31 of 123

OK, we're officially a quarter of the way through the Hansons program. And today marked the longest run of the first five weeks - a 12 miler.

And I need to find the chapter that talks about training paces and double-check this, but the "Training Intensities Pace Chart" in the book states to run the "long" Sunday runs (as opposed to the "easy" Sunday runs) at a pace that's in between your race pace and your easy pace. For me, my easy pace is 8:50-9:50 and my race pace is 7:50. The book states my "long" pace should be 8:30.

So that's what I tried to do today.

I was mostly successful, although I did a little off-road running, which always slows me down a bit.

Here's my pace, with a couple miles that have stop-lights in them:

And here's my moving pace, which basically removes the time waiting at lights:

I seemed to lose my focus a bit on mile 9, but other than that I stayed pretty close to what I wanted. Even with that off mile, I averaged 8:40, so pretty close to what I was supposed to do. I was very happy that I was able to close with my last two miles of the 12 both under my goal of 8:30. My legs actually felt fresher than they did yesterday. I'm hoping that's a good sign and not just some fluke thing.

Back at it tomorrow. See you then.

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